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Our Professors



The Highest Degree

   Research expertise


Jiang, Meei-Hua

PhD, National Chengchi University, Department of Chinese Literature

Wei-Jin Thoughts (魏晉思想)

Study on Chinese Classics (經學)

Chinese paleography (文字學)



Lee, Shew-Hua

PhD, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of History of Chinese Art

Teaching and Theory of Chinese Calligraphy(書法理論與教學)

History of Chinese Aesthetics (中國美學史)

Art History(藝術史)


Li ,Jeng-Fen

PhD, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Chinese Language and Literature

Chinese phonology(聲韻學)

Mandarin Phonetics(國音學)


Chinese Teaching (國語文教學)



PhD, National Taiwan University, Department of Chinese Literature

The Academic and Figures of Wei-Jin (魏晉學術與人物)

Confucian and Taoist Thoughts (儒道思想)

History of Chinese Thoughts(中國思想史)


Liu, Hui-Pin

PhD, National Chung Cheng University, Department of Chinese Literature

Chinese Mythology(中國神話)

Folk Literature(民間文學)

Study on Dunghuang (敦煌學)

Study on Folklore (民俗學)



PhD, National Taiwan University, Department of Chinese Literature.

Chuang zi (莊子)

The Academic of Ming Dynasty(明代學術)

Poetry of Ming-Qing (明清詩學)


Yan, Jinn-Shiung

PhD, Chinese Culture University, Department of Chinese Literature

Teaching of Blackboard Handwriting and Writing(板書與寫字教學)

Classical Poetry(古典詩)

Chinese Teaching (國語文教學)

Literature of the Six Dynasties and Sui-Tang Dynasties(六朝隋唐文學)



PhD, National Chengchi University, Department of Chinese Literature

Ancient Etymology (古文字學)

Excavated Materials (出土文獻學)

Study on Chinese Classics(經學)

Professor Peng, Yen-Lun PhD, National Chengchi University, Department of Chinese Literature

Folk Literature(民間文學)

Classical Chinese Fiction(古典小說)

Associate Professor

Chang, Chi-Chau

PhD, Soochow University, Department of Chinese Literature

Classical Chinese Drama(古典戲劇)

Classical Chinese Fiction(古典小說)

Folk Literature(民間文學)

Modern Chinese Literature(現代文學)

Associate Professor


PhD, National Taiwan Normal University, Department of Chinese Literature

Study on Classic of  Rites (禮學)

Study on Chinese Language (語文學)

Chinese Academic in the early 20th Century(晚清民初學術)

Associate Professor

Wen, Kuang-Hua

PhD, National Taiwan Normal University, Department of Chinese Literature

Wen Xin Diao Long (文心雕龍)

Classical Chinese Prose(古典散文)

Study on Writing Chinese Articles (中國文章學)

Chinese Teaching (國語文教學)

Associate Professor

Liu, Hui-Chen

PhD, Fu Jen Catholic University, Department of Chinese Literature

The Book of Changes (周易)

History of Chinese Thoughts(中國思想史)

Shi Shuo Xin Yu (世說新語)

Lao Zi (老子)

Shi Ji (史記)

Associate Professor

Wu, Chun-Hsun

PhD, Fu Jen Catholic University, Department of Chinese Literature

Chinese paleography (文字學)

Mandarin Phonetics(國音學)

Chinese Teaching (國語文教學)

Associate Professor


PhD, Fu Jen Catholic University, Department of Chinese Literature

Chinese Narrative (敘事文學)

Ci and Fu(辭賦)

Literature of Tang Dynasty(唐代文學)

Associate Professor


PhD, National Chengchi University, Department of Chinese Literature

Study of Poetry(詩學)

Literature of Tang and Sung Dynasties (唐宋文學)

Traveling Literature (旅行文學)

Assistant Professor

Huang, Ru-Shiun

PhD, National Chung Cheng University, Department of Chinese Literature

Classical Chinese Poetry(古典詩學)

Literature Theory (文學理論)

Literature Criticism(文學批評)

